Children's Journals

This is my journal, with posts mainly about myself. If you want to see posts specifically about Maia or Liam, check out the links to their journals under the "My Interests" section on the right side of my blog page.

Belly Picture Comparison

View Belly Picture Camparison for Second Pregnancy!

Monday, February 14, 2011

31 Weeks

Today I am 31 weeks pregnant. While I don't feel that I have gotten much bigger, I know the baby has...less kicking, because he/she is more cramped in there. Which means I also feel more pokes and scrapes and such, as the baby turns and pushes against my belly from the inside. Makes for some painful times...especially when the baby rakes an elbow across the inside...or probably pushes his/her head into my abdomen with all his/her might. Oh, the baby has hiccups now. Liam had lots of hiccups while I carried him, but this baby seems to be less prone to them. Until now. Several times over the last few days I have felt the baby hiccuping inside...cute little rhythmic bumps. My little cutie.

On to the official baby info...

Your Baby This Week
Weighing in at more than three pounds, baby is about half his birth weight. Now that he measures about 18 inches (45 cm) long, you can tell that bones and muscles are continuing to grow along with his organs and brain.
If you haven't already been talking to your baby, now is the time to start. Until now, he interpreted sounds as vibrations. But this week he can hear actual sounds and will begin to recognize your voice or the music you play.

Your Body This Week
Don't be surprised if you slip off your shoes for just 10 minutes and find that you can't get them back on. Foot and leg swelling are common now, but you can control some of it by not crossing your legs when sitting. Sleeping on your left side will also reduce water retention and help you feel more comfortable. It's also natural to experience a slight rise in blood pressure around the seventh month. But if you experience headaches, blurred vision, or rapid and severe swelling in your hands or feet, call your doctor immediately. These are warning signs of pre-eclampsia (high blood pressure during pregnancy), which requires immediate medical attention for the sake of you and your baby. In less than 10 weeks you're going to be a mom! You may feel excited and happy, apprehensive and scared, or all things combined. Relax! That's normal!

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