Rhinebeck Sheep and Wool Festival! Tons and tons of yarn and fiber and knitting needles and spinning implements and knitting/fiber related crafts and...well...it was AWESOME!!!
I encountered the Ella Coat again (I bought the pattern at Maryland Sheep and Wool), both at the vendor that sells the pattern, and in passing random festival-goers.
While I would not make this sock for myself, I thought it was very cute and had to show it off
There were rows and rows of "art yarn"...lots of colors, textures, and thicknesses. Since I know what I end up spinning will definitely vary in thickness and texture and will be considered art yarn, I am really hoping it looks half as nice.
There were many animals there, and not just sheep. This was a large rabbit, with a neck roll big enough to serve as a pillow.
I loved these musicians. They played constantly as far as I could tell, moving from one song to another without a break. Completely instrumental, they are called Epiritu Andino.
THAT, my friends, is NOT roving or batting...nope, not wool at all. It is Maple Cotton Candy! Yes, such a heavenly thing exists...and it's wonderfully yummy!
This was one of the vendor buildings on-site. I had to take a few pictures of it because I loved that it was paneled in so much wood. It smelled awesome, being cedar, and was very cozy.
And of course, there was colorful yarns and fibers...
...rainbows of yarn...
...flowing out of baskets...
...tumbling out of crates...
...braided for enticing display.
There were a lot of wonderful fiber-related items as well. I really liked this hand-made spindles, especially the wood-burned ones.
Check out the spiderweb spindle
Several artisans were at work. This is not a very good picture of a really awesome piece of weaving (which I totally plan to take up, as soon as I get a small table loom)
I really like the pattern of this cardigan and I am going to make sure the book that contains it ends up on my Amazon wishlist.
Here was another pattern that I really liked. I totally would have bought the pattern if it had existed, but only the glove itself was for sale. I am hoping I can remember the name of the vendor so that I can see if there IS a pattern available for sale.
And yet another pattern that I found interesting. This is HER pattern and it's for sale. I have her card (if anyone is interested).
Okay, this is not knitting related, but we saw it on our way out of Rhinebeck, sitting in traffic. It's the office of an acupuncturist and I thought it looked pretty neat, especially the sign.
And the final damage? Not much. I managed to keep myself in line. Aside from the maple cotton candy, I purchased a simple drop spindle as planned, and in a moment of weakness I also bought top that I will spin up into hopefully some nice yarn that I can knit with. It's 4.3oz of superfine merino and it's so amazingly soft that I just want to sleep with it. (don't tell Matt). I am going to be good and make myself finish spinning the green romney that I bought last month, so that it gets used and so that I am better by the time I get to spinning this.
It's late...I am going to go fondle some fiber and get ready for bed.
Hi Kim, wanted to say hi. I am also coming to Knot Hysteria and was looking at one of your posts and then came to your blog. I was also at Rhinebeck and was amazed on Saturday afternoon to see Stephanie. She was standing in line two people back from me in the fried ravioli line. I said hi and i'll meet you formally in Seattle, but couldn't resist saying hello now. It was crazy. Have never met her or seen her "in the wild" before. She was very sweet. Looking forward to meeting YOU in Seattle.