December 26th - January 4th
I love spending time at Dawn and Greg's house. It's so cozy, warm, and inviting. I love talking to Dawn. I love that they love books so much. I love the decor of the house. I love that there are so many quaint local places to visit (Taylor Books is my favorite, and I LOVE margherita pizza at Pies And Pints). The only negative at all is that it's all the way out in Charleston, WV, with mountains making the trip longer. Not crazy about a 8-10 hour drive. But it's well worth it. It just means we can't swing by for a weekend.
There were a lot of pictures taken on the trip. Many of them feature the children and I put those pictures on
their blog, if you want to check it out. But here are my pictures from the trip.
On the way to Darlene's place (Matt's mom, Martinsburg, WV), there was a major accident on the PA Turnpike Westbound that had it closed for most of the day. We weren't aware of this and got stuck in it. In order to cope, I climbed into the very back seat and continue weaving the scarf I needed to complete for Dawn. I got a lot done. I actually finished the weaving before we got to Darlene's place.
At Darlene's place, Dan (Matt's father) came to visit to see us (they are separated), and I gave him his Christmas present...fingerless mitts to keep him warm when he goes outside to smoke, etc. He liked them.
We left in the morning and had Sheetz on-the-go food. I was very amused by the name of my food... "Shmiscuit" just sounds weird.
More scarf work during the car ride...this time the twisted tassels.
We stopped for lunch and this was the sight at one end of the parking lot. I thought it look beautiful.
Finally completed the scarf, just in time. I took this picture upstairs in Dawn's house, while she was busy greeting everyone downstairs.
There was Christmas gift-opening that night.
I remembered my iPhone had the panorama function and I thought I would take a picture standing on the front walk of Dawn/Greg's house.
It was such a nice day (yes, in December) that I saw outside and knit for a bit.
Later we went to Taylor books, which I love.
Besides books and a cafe section, they also have an art gallery. I couldn't help but capturing it.
I loved this poster of Taylor Books. I really wanted to get it, but it was so pricey.
I fell in love with the pottery. I ended up getting this first bowl here.
They look like soft, inflatable dinosaurs, right?
At some point during the trip I was able to snag Dawn for some one-on-one time at Taylor Books. (wearing the scarf I made) MMmmmmmmmmm.
I also fell in love with this piece of pottery and Matt ended up buying it for me for my birthday, since we were still in Charleston for it, due to the snowstorm that came in.
I had also woven a scarf for Greg, and had him model it for me.
At some point I felt like taking a walk and looking at some of the large houses we kept passing on the road up to Dawn's place. I really wish we could live in places so nice and large.
I like the design on the front of this one.
New Years Eve spread. We had some nice snackage happening.
We took a trip to the capital to visit the museum there. This is the top of the capital building...very beautiful.
And I like the chandelier in the foyer of the museum.
After the museum trip, I hung out with Darlene at Taylor Books while Dawn went home with Liam.
And then I spent some of the afternoon hanging with Liam on the couch. My first baby.
Sadly, that is the end of the pictures. They don't even begun to describe the enjoyment of that trip. I wish Dawn and Greg didn't live so far. I wish teleportation existed. I would love to visit them once a month at least. *sigh* Hopefully we can see them in the Spring, although it would probably be them visiting us. Not the same.