On Sunday we went up to Jackie's place and hung out. The plan was to go to a nearby park and have fun outdoors, sitting under a huge tree, grilling, walking around the gardens/aboretum onsite, walking nature trails, etc. And celebrating my parents birthdays. But the weather decided not to cooperate, so we spent it indoors, in Jackie's apartment, grilling out on her little back stairwell. During a lull in the rain, we attempted to go to the park to see the gardens, but it started raining again as soon as we got there, so after about 10 minutes we had to turn around a leave anyway. I only got one picture the whole time I was there, of my Aunt Cindy holding Maia for the first time. (sorry that it's not all that flattering)
On Monday we had a BBQ at our place and the weather did cooperate for that. We had a good crowd over, but most of the pictures I took were of the kids (they are so cute, it can't be helped). Here the little ones enjoyed Liam's inflatable pool (I always hem and haw about whether to set it up for these parties, and every time it gets a lot of use, so it's always worth it...so I need to just remember that).
This time Liam and Xander DID have the same exact swimming gear on...just like twins.
The little cutie in the middle is Julian, the son of Jeremy and Rita. He has a great smile and I wish I saw more of him. He is a month older than Cole.
This is the one shot I have of the rest of the crowd, without kids. It's mainly Sam talking to Rita.
And finally, a few shots of people enjoying the big pool.
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