Okay, finally getting around to posting Christmas pictures. Don't really have time for lots of words, but I will try to put a few captions with the pictures. And yes, you will see duplicates on Maia's and Liam's blogs.
Liam and Maia are decorating the small Keepsake tree that goes in the family room. The ornaments are all keepsake ornaments that my mom gave to me each Christmas as I was growing up, plus a few for Liam, and now one for Maia.
Liam couldn't wait to decorate the big tree and got a head start with some of Maia's play rings, and a thumb drive.
Liam and Maia visit with Father Christmas, at our Barony's Toys For Tots Christmas event.
Liam finally gets to decorate the big tree.
Ready for Christmas Eve and it's festivities.
Early Christmas present (from Great Aunt Lisa)
Hanging candy canes on Sandy's tree (second year of doing this, so starting to become a tradition).
Jackie and Maia, having some girl-time, with drinks and girl-talk.
Maia, all tuckered out, in the arms of Great Aunt Susan.
CHRISTMAS MORNING! The kids are excited (although Maia really had no clue what was going on and was only excited because Liam was).
Liam is helping Maia to open the present that he picked out for her and helped to wrap. And then he showed her how to use it.
Maia's present to Liam - pirate-themed cookie cutters.
Liam got the fourth Pirates of the Caribbean movie from Mommy and Daddy...he was super thrilled.
THIS...was the pile of presents under my parents tree. Holy crap! Of course, there are 12 people's worth of presents under there (6 Ogbins, 3 husbands, 3 children). You can imagine the chaos that ensued. So I don't have a ton of pictures from the gift-opening.
Us girls all got together and got my mom the birthstone necklace she had wanted. I don't have a good picture of the necklace itself, since my mom is crying in them and probably wouldn't want me to post them...not that crying is bad...but she would probably say that she doesn't look good in them, so I decided against posting those.
This is a Snowman family picture that my Aunt Linda did. She did one for each member of her side of the family. This one is mine. I love it, especially because it's handmade (I like knitting, so I definitely appreciate the handmade gift).
But...you think that's nice?...
...check out my Grandmother's! Totally awesome! She had six children, almost all who had a number of children of their own, and those had some of their own as well. Children, Grandchildren, and Great Grandchildren.
And finally...our Christmas haul, sitting nicely under our tree. Not too shabby. Though I feel we have way too much stuff, especially given that there are people out there in the world starving to death, without homes or shelter, in need of medical attention, etc. So...I am very thankful for what I have...very...and I hope I remember to remember those out there who have far less. (FYI, I DO donate monthly to Doctors Without Borders, but maybe I should up the amount)
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