Wanna see? Of COURSE you do! *smile*

Here is a close up of the stitches...the moss stitch for the white, and seed stitch for the sage and tan. And a crocheted edge to make it look more clean (yeah, yeah, had to learn a little bit of crochet to do that...don't worry, though, I am definitely not a convert...still a knitting 100%).

I used the same colors that Matt had picked out for Liam's knit blanket, and used the "squares" concept. So the blankets have similarities, but are definitely different. Here you can see them side-by-side, Liam's on the left. I am quite happy with my work, and I hope my children love them well. (sorry for the light-colored towel as a background... the blanket is currently blocking and I needed the biggest towel I had to dry it on)

Now, for something completely different, here are a few pictures of the baby's room, since we also recently got that finished up (meaning, we finally got the storage shelves put in and I finally put away the last of the clean baby clothes in the laundry basket). Pictures show each corner of the room, going counter-clockwise.
Okay. I am off to bed. It's later than I wanted it to be, I am tired from the day's activities AND the fact that I suffered a bout of insomnia last night and didn't get nearly enough sleep. And it seems like I am having a lot more Braxton Hicks than usual today, especially this evening, and if this baby is about to come soon, I really would like to get as much sleep in as possible. So...off I go...who knows if I will wake up in labor or not. Would kind of be nice to do so, but I am hoping it's closer to 7am or so. *smile*
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