It's finally April, no longer March. Not that March is a bad month, but April means Spring to me. Spring Spring Spring. The cold is slipping away, the rain is making things grow, and soon there will be lots of Spring flowers and more comfortable temperatures. And Spring means new life, which works perfectly given that I am due to deliver in April. It could be any day now....but definitely within the next 5.5 weeks (since I won't go more than 2 weeks past my due date). Hopefully it's more like 1.5-2 weeks (a little early would be nice, for a variety of reasons).
And now...we finally decided on names. Took a little while (okay, it took a LONG while, and lots of discussions and such...very frustrating), but now we have first names and middle names.
If this baby is a boy, he will be:
Oliver Jacob Miller
If this baby is a girl, she will be:
Maia Elizabeth Miller
There was definitely some sacrifice on both sides for the names, but I think we are pretty happy with them. Now we just have to wait to see which one it will be.
Oh, I did want to mention something.
We were greatly considering the following:
Oliver Jacob Oscar Miller and Maia Elizabeth Gladys Miller
In honor of the loved ones we recently lost. Oscar for my late maternal grandfather, and Gladys for my late paternal grandmother and late maternal great grandmother. I really wanted to honor them in this way. But after talking about it and going over the names in our head, we decided not to go for the two middle not have four names. I am somewhat sad about this, but I think it's probably the best given the names we went with. I just wanted to mention that, so that family knows how much we were thinking about those lost loved ones, lost right as this new life was beginning. (note, we didn't forget about Robert, my late paternal grandfather, it just didn't flow as well with Oliver Jacob, we please don't think we weren't considering it).
So...Happy Spring, Happy April, Happy baby names (finally)
(and Happy April Fools, to those that celebrate it. Sorry, no longer have quite the creative inspiration to come up with something. Don't know that anything can top the time I convinced my mom someone had stolen my car at my old apartment...hee hee).
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