Anyway, everything is going pretty well. The baby is fine in there, head-down and in the correct orientation. I had a non-stress test today and the baby did wonderfully. Even though it doesn't really mean much, I AM 50% effaced and 1-2cm dilated, so my body IS making some preparations. And that also means that if I get past 41 weeks and we decide we want to try to naturally trigger labor, that can be done because my body is attempting to get ready.
I haven't measured or weighed myself in a while, but I am probably about the same as I was last time I belly isn't really getting any bigger. The baby might be weighing more but I am kind of holding steady with weight, or even losing some, which is normal at this point in the pregnancy.
I AM totally uncomfortable, though. I have been sleeping on the couch for over a week now, due to my hip being sore from pressure and stretching ligaments, and the couch having the softest, most relenting surface. Which makes me feel alone and ostracized at night. I miss sleeping in my nice bed, with Matt. I get out of breath so quickly, and I am sore all the time, in many different ways. The baby isn't hurting quite so much with it's movements, but there are a few here and there (especially around 11pm) where the baby makes some big motions that are uncomfortable. And I can't lay on my right side now, as my heart is bothering me again. I am just SOOOO ready to have this baby. And I really want to see whether this is a girl or boy. Really.
Oh, and sorry for the rambling post about ICAN and such yesterday. I meant it to be a lot shorter and cohesive than that, but I guess that's just not my style. I hope anyone reading it got the gist of it. And hopefully I am an inspiration to people. And not just some "weird girl with hippy/new-age ideas". *sigh*
Okay, here is the last belly picture you guys will get (most likely). There won't be any for comparison from last pregnancy, since I never made it this far with Liam.

Your Baby This Week
The time has finally arrived! You and baby are ready to be a team. The day you two meet will be here in a heartbeat!
Approaching 7.5 pounds (3.4 kg) or more, and measuring up to 22 inches (56 cm), your baby is ready to make her grand entrance any time now. All of her organs are fully developed, and she has reflexes and more coordination. Baby can grasp and hold onto things, turn her head, and respond to outside cues, including the sound of your voice. Most of the lanugo hair has fallen out, but some may still remain on the shoulders, neck, behind the ears and in the deeper folds of the skin. It too will shed in the weeks immediately after birth.
Your Body This Week
Congratulations--delivery day is almost here! The next change you experience will be labor pains. Don't be alarmed if your due date comes and goes without so much as a cramp. Only about 5% of babies are born on the estimated due date. She'll arrive when she's ready and not a moment sooner! Getting sleep may be challenging now, partly because you're uncomfortable and partly because you're nervous. But rest is essential! Labor and delivery will be so much easier if you are well-rested. When you're not in bed, keep your feet elevated and wait for your bundle of joy to arrive.
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